What We Support
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The great commission projects a church alive, victorious, active, with divine purposes, spread in society, interested in souls. Not a dead church, defeated, idle, with worldly purposes, enclosed in walls, disinterested souls, comfortable.
To deal more effectively as a local church in fulfilling the great commission that our Lord left us, I ask that we keep in our minds, our emotions and our wills, the mission of Bethany Baptist Church.
Our Mission is:
- To preach the word of God to win the lost. 1 Cor. 1:21
- Support missions to send missionaries. Philip. 4:15
- Develop believers to be disciples. Matthew 28:20
- Reproduce as a church and plant more churches. Acts 13:1-3
- Edify families to strengthen the church. 1 Tim. 3:4-5, 12
- [A] A church of Comfort. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where people who suffer can find comfort in the word of God and good fellowship with the people of God.
- [B] A growing church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a church where every year we are reaching people for Christ. Where families are growing in knowledge and grace of God continually.
- [C] A church educator. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where people can be educated in the word of God and his works, a place where you also can learn about God through science, history and several other education issues.
- [D] A community Church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where the community feels that there are no flags divisive social class, economic or intellectual. A place where you can find physical protection in time of disaster.
- [E] A Servant Church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where families of the church and others know they can find people willing to help in any situation. A church that is recognized as a Christian as a result of our attitude.
- [F] A Loving Church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where love is felt the moment that you come and speak with anyone. This loving attitude should be communicated to people by all teachers, ushers, office staff and all who make up this church.
- [G] A Church Planter Church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place to send laborers into the harvest to start more churches. Where ladies and gentlemen see the need and surrender to God's call to go and plant more churches or work with other churches and minister in both places.
- [H] A Family Church. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where families can worship God together. Where they are strengthened and united by the activities and fellowship in the church. A place where families serve together.
- [I] A Church of Action. Bethany Baptist Church should be a place where the participation of families in the church good things happen. A church that not only talks about winning the world, but a church that every week reaches the lost with the gospel. Not just about helping families and fight evil around us, but we are doing something about it. A church that involves fighting evil.
Our core values are:
- [a] Glorify God in everything we do.
- [b] Promote Sound Doctrine.
- [c] Submission to the Word of God as the final authority for faith and practice.
- [d] Acceptance of the local church as the institution of God on earth.